Trophies. Everyone gets them now, win or lose. Play badly, trophy, play great, same trophy. What is this teaching our children? What kind of example does this set?
I realize that we want our children to avoid disappointments, and hurts. Are you really equipping your child to go out in the real world when you teach them that everyone wins, and no one loses? Are you teaching them to really compete? What kind of motivation do children have if they think that everyone gets the same reward?
It is the spirit of competition that drives our markets. It is the spirit of innovation, and the ability to overcome challenges that drives this country. When you ill equip your children to deal with real world competition, you are in essence, creating a handicap for them.
We are an exceptional nation, and we, as Americans need to start pulling our weight, and stop relying on the government, and progressive, feel good psychiatrists to tell us how to be parents. So, turn off Oprah, turn off Dr. Phil, and go be a danged parent already!
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